CV file
Catalina Balan

Bălan Cătălina, Human Resources Specialist, "Petru Poni" Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry Iasi of the Romanian Academy.

Expertise in: 

- drawing up employment contracts, additional documents, employment decisions, promotion, within the term provided by law; 

- elaboration, evidence and transmission to ITM of the General Register of employees in electronic format REVISAL; 

-  preparation and publication procedures organizing contests for vacant positions; 

- keeping and archiving personnel documents according to the legislation in force;

       The field of activity in which he gained experience over time is Human Resources Specialist, implemented and developed at the level of public entities as well as in the management of 2 projects financed by the COMPETITIVENESS OPERATIONAL PROGRAM. These areas of activity are still in its sphere of interest and are constantly trying to develop their skills in order to be able to disseminate information among those interested, to support them in carrying out their own activities. Optimism and positivism are feelings that permanently accompany her in her personal life and professional activity, making her a motivated and hopeful person.

       Within the BioNanoTech Support team, he is the expert for human resources and consulting aspects related to projects such as Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises - Part of the Horizon 2020 program, Pillar II: "Industrial Leadership" / Industrial Leadership.

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